Misc. Topics

RCH-- my initials — Richard C. Haight (a.k.a. Dick Haight – in computer contexts).
Over the years (and I've seen a few) I've written some stuff down and given a talk or two.
Anyway, I'm sharing a small sample here – a mind dump (antediluvian computer term).
But consider the content copyrighted ©.

TV Series Ideas

Ancient Greek Goddesses (Fates, Graces, etc.), Reborn [pdf]

Zone Rouge:
Strange Happenings Along the World War I Trench Line [pdf]

Talks I've given recently (or'd like to)

Henry Ford's now-forgotten experiment in primary education

Notes for a Talk About Language and Metaphor [pdf]

My 5 Careers

1. "Hello, operator?" — The Bell System, Only yesterday, gone forever... [pdf]

2. Accidental Programmer — Computers, 1961 [pdf]

3. At Bell Labs + the UNIX Operating System: Early Years Recalled [pdf]
Talk Presented at GRRCON-2023

4. Interractive Video — Before Internet [pdf]

5. IOT, etc. — After Retirement [pdf]

Other Topics

Let's have a Religion Olympics. Rank order the World's Faiths. [pdf]

West/East Germany, 60 years ago, only yesterday.

My arts and crafts — a sample [pdf]

My Revised Map of USA States

My Suggested Test for Immigrants
(written in 2005) [pdf]

Mystery Glass Negatives from 1915

A Children's Story — About A Dog

Contact with Other Worlds? Implausible.

Bureaucracy -- One of Humanity's Many Fatal Flaws [pdf]

1930s/40s, Small Town America: Tecumseh, MI

Mrs. Cummins, The Colonel's Wife

George Adamson, Neighbor/Inventor

Other Computer Interests

The "Unix Wars", my 2¢ worth[pdf]

Raspberry Pi Projects

Other Micro-controllers

Python Programming Language: a RANT. [pdf]

Want to contact me?